What if we all had an expiry date tied to us on a tag?
What if you knew what your expiry date was?
Would you do anything different than what you are today???
Would you write a list of all those things you want to do???
It’s funny, but for anyone who’s been through a life
changing event, it transforms
you…..in so many many ways.
And at the time you can only see the bad if it’s a tragedy
or a challenge. You become bogged down
and consumed with the “why me?” and the “if only’s.” But over time, as you heal and become more resilient….and
you start to understand the fragility and randomness of life, you begin to
understand just how short life really is.
You begin to want to suck the marrow out of e v e r y little
morsel of each day, good or bad.
My friend who I wrote about in an earlier blog who was
diagnosed with a brain tumor a few years ago is doing great, however she’s been
given the gift of recognizing life is short and random shit happens to good
people, no matter if you’ve done everything right in life.
Anyway, this friend and I had a conversation on Friday….about
how people live, or how we should try to live….and we talked about what people would do
if they had an expiry tag pinned to them.
It’s an interesting concept.
It makes you question your mortality and your time or how you spend it…..and
just what it is you want to do with your one wild and precious life?
I know losing my sister, mother and four year old daughter
have made me understand life is short….and there’s no guarantee’s.
And last night, my BFF and I were chatting….she’s tossing up
whether to undertake more study. YOLO(You
Only Live Once) I said down the phone!
And it’s true….YOLO should be pinned to our chest too!
The gift of grief has taught me how to suck the marrow….how
to get up and go and to not put things off.
To buy that bottle of Moet….or dance on that table! To tell friends and family how much they mean
to me….to take risks and to push myself.
yes that's me dancing on that table! :)
We’re all dying. Every
day. But are we living?
Do we put off things because they’re too hard? Or because we’re scared of rejection…or
failure? Or is it we just can’t be
Life is such a gift…and I know that’s clichéd, but its
true. I know it’s a privilege for me to
wake every day.
I know I’m absolutely blessed to have a daughter who’s happy
and healthy….how things could be different, just by a twist of fate. Knowing these things has changed me….they’re
the remiinder….the kick and the sparkle that lights my spirit to make me take
risks and live each day and appreciate what I have.
My precious daughter turned thirteen this week. Dempsey reminds me every day how life is
passing us by so quickly…that time is ticking away and that this day will never
happen again….so to make the most of it!
And as I type I’m smiling, Dempsey just leaned over my
shoulder and read what I’m writing, when she got to YOLO came the reminder that
maybe I am getting old…..”Really Mummy?” was her response. But when I asked what she thinks YOLO means….out
of the mouth of my newly teen daughter came the wise words……”You should try all
the things you’ve ever wanted to try.” Maybe
she does listen!
I have to sign off now….and go write my list….what will yours
say? X