my daughter Savannah
died, it took me a long time to be able to sit alone with my thoughts without
some sort of distraction to stop my mind wandering to a place that caused pain
and feelings of guilt.
I have
a detrimental habit of over thinking everything. Of mulling things over and over in my mind
and questioning the ‘why’s” and the “if only’s” and the “its not fair.” And when you’re in the shower, or the car
when a sad song comes on the radio, or in the dark hours of the night….. you
can’t escape. It’s a destructive process
to go over things you can’t change or you have no control over….its also human
human nature and Mother Nature, the latter teaching me just recently that there
is hope if I just keep taking day by day.
I drive a lot with my new job.
Recently I couldn’t help but notice the ‘hope’ in a bunch of tree’s
lining the side of the freeway, reminding me that I will survive, and that with
loss comes strength and renewal.
I’ve found I’m back in ‘that’ place of being afraid of being alone with my
thoughts. For different reasons….things
going on in my life that feel out of control like a vortex, sucking me in to
that dark place again….compounded by the fact it’s June, Savannah’s month!
A week ago he was referred to Pallative Care. I know he’s on borrowed time. And it’s terrifying to think my dad’s time is
drawing closer and I’ll lose him too.
and loss has taught me sometimes you have to accept ‘your deal’ in life and make
the best of it. Grief has also taught me
to appreciate time and happiness…or creating happiness….cos that’s
all there is!
had my sister’s twins living with me while their dad goes off to work to
provide things for them they’ve been missing out on. It’s great for Dempsey having them here. It’s great for me too cos I feel like I’m
giving back. The bond at bedtime if we
pile on the bed and chat about teenage girl stuff is food for my soul….and
maybe too much information for Dempsey. J
And I’ve
been taking my work home too a bit lately, thinking of people I work with who
are a lot worse off than me…their heartbreak…their ‘deal in life’ and its
difficult sometimes to accept life can be so shitty and there’s nothing I can
do. My personal life has hit heartbreak
and it seems my shoulders are heavy lately.
And I’m trying to channel my past strength back into my soul to
what does survival look like?
I know
survival looks like being able to smile again.
is feeling alive, or doing whatever makes you feel alive, like driving my car
with the roof off and feeling the wind in my hair and the sun warming my face.
is never giving up on a day if you’re given an opportunity to enjoy life’s
is crying when you need to, releasing the endorphins that tears bring….and
being able to start again tomorrow….and know “It WILL get better.”
seeing the bottom of a bottle when nothing else will relieve ‘that’ pain….being
able to disappear in a bottomless glass of red wine….even if it is for a few
knowing when to protect your heart, and saying yes to the things that will lead
you on a path where one day you know the sun will shine through the grey bits
is knowing that nothing else can destroy you because you’ve already been
destroyed…you’ve been to the bowels of life and you understand there’s nothing
else but finding happiness in the little things.
brings me back to HOPE and those trees…..
In February this year we had devastating bush fires not far from my home.
Driving past the area that was ravaged by fire and seeing the tree’s on the side of the road reminded me about HOPE.
These trees that have been thriving and growing for years were suddenly ravaged by fire. A few months ago they were hopeless black sticks…their core ravished…dead wood. However, they’ve survived.
Driving past I couldn’t help but notice the new growth, the tiny green leaves that have sprouted. The first signs of survival…….
We can
all be resilient like those tree’s....coming back from the abyss, where we’ve been burnt to the core,
We can grow new roots and have
hope that tomorrow is a new day.
We can
try to push through our hardships and survive and even though there seems to be
no life left. The human spirit can
And I am struggling at the
moment, but I need to remember…like the trees, I will survive.... x